Gender Equality Toolkit In Transport
Create Change
Action creates change
Why is this important?
Gender equality is something which each of us working in the transport industry can play a role in helping to facilitate on a day to day basis. As transport professionals we have the skills and capability to each consider gender in our daily work to create a transport system that responds to the needs of all users. Our drivers for change lists ways in which you can take action to help power this change. Together we can create the change that will help to make gender equality in transport more possible and create improved transport systems to benefit all people, places and the planet.
Drivers for change:
Share this toolkit. Help us to build on our efforts and keep the momentum going by sharing this Gender Equality in Transport Toolkit across your networks and with colleagues. Extending the reach of this work is paramount to ensure a greater chance of collective change.
Join our Linkedin Group and share your success. This page has been set up to create an online community to promote and encourage informal discussion on gender equality in transport in a welcoming space. We aim for this community to provide a space to ask questions, promote discussions and share the steps that people are taking as we all work towards better gender mainstreaming in transport. Join our community here and share your success!
Have conversations and spread the word. Action is not possible without words. We each have a responsibility to help develop a critical mass of interest to ignite change, so use this toolkit to start a conversation, or share some of the resources with people who could benefit.
Use inclusive language and avoid gender-specific words. One of the smallest changes we can all make is being mindful of the language we use on a day to day basis. For example:
Avoid referring to women as 'girls' or 'females' as it can come across as belittling
Use gender neutral alternatives i.e chairperson not chairman
Use our drivers for change and case studies to aid discussions with colleagues. Our material provides resources and topics which can be used by organisations to start conversations within teams for why gender equality in transport is a necessity and at what can be done on a personal and company level to help make gender equality in transport happen.